Periodontal Surgery: Less Favourable Outcomes in Smokers Studies have suggested poorer outcomes from periodontal treatment in smokers. Details
ROOT OF THE PROBLEM: WHY YOU MAY WANT THAT ROOT CANAL Let’s examine four reasons as to why you might want that root canal. Details
Treating Gum Disease Reduces Prostate Symptoms, Researchers Find Previous studies have found a link between gum disease and prostatitis, a disease that inflames the gland that produces semen. Details
Treating Gum Disease Helps Heart, May Lower Overall Health Care Costs People who had at least one periodontal disease treatment had lower medical costs and fewer hospitalizations within four years of the treatment compared with people who weren’t treated. Details
Study Successfully Screens For Diabetes at Dental Visits Using Oral Blood The dental visit could be a useful opportunity to conduct diabetes screening among at-risk, undiagnosed patients. Details
Tooth Loss Linked to Slowing Mind, Body “Tooth loss could be used as an early marker of mental and physical decline in older age, particularly among 60-74 year-olds,” Details
Heavy Smokers Should Be Checked for Head/Neck Cancer Head and neck cancer is the world’s sixth most common type of cancer. Worldwide, 600,000 people are diagnosed with it annually and about 350,000 die. Details
What Happens to Your Tooth After It’s Extracted Here’s eight different journeys that your tooth may take after it leaves your mouth. Details
8 Mistakes You’re Probably Making When You Brush Your Teeth Find out what you’re doing wrong — and how to break these bad habits for better teeth. Details